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Pastor's Thoughts

Find updates, thoughts, event notices, or short message from Pastor Tim in his weekly blog posts. 

Friday Thoughts from Pastor Tim - February 7

Dear Church Family –

Even people who are not football fans are interested in the Superbowl Sunday night.  It’s the most watched event in America, it’s the biggest stage for advertisers, and it involves our local Kansas City Chiefs going for their third win in a row.

I was touched yesterday to read about the Chiefs owner, Clark Hunt.  Jim Denison wrote, “It was my privilege to be the pastor of Clark Hunt and his family in Dallas.  They are among the most gracious, humble people I have ever known.  Their personal integrity…will continue far beyond this Sunday’s game.”

God has His people everywhere.  There is growing evidence that God is at work in our world at this time in history.

·       The most popular podcaster in the world, Joe Rogan, recently had on a Christian apologist to talk about the truthfulness of our faith.  Their discussion has 5.9 million views on YouTube so far.

·       Bible sales are booming.

·       Jordan Peterson has become very influential.  To my knowledge he does not claim to be a Christian, but his latest book affirms the Judeo-Christian worldview as foundational to society.

·       Many sources, including the New York Times, are showing that young men are more interested in religion than in previous generations.

When you think of the Superbowl this weekend, take a minute to pray for God’s people in high places of influence. 

And start the week by honoring God and giving your life as a living sacrifice in your sphere of influence!  We’ll see you Sunday as we remember Christ’s death with a Communion Service.  As is our custom, there will be no Sunday School on Communion Sunday.  See you at 10:30. – Pastor Tim

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9070 NW Meadowlark Rd., Whitewater, KS 67154  |  Tel: 316-799-1900

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