Emmaus Church
Who We Are As A Church
Emmaus Church is an evangelical Bible church with Mennonite roots, aimed to touch the nations for the glory of Christ. We believe in the Bible as God’s Word and salvation by faith in Christ. We’re a family oriented church in a farm-based community where every Sunday feels like a family reunion. We’re a conservative and joyful church in theology, lifestyle, worship and ministry. We have a beautiful building and an active ministry, but the most important thing is the people.
At Emmaus we are serious about:

Follow Christ and invite others to do so.
Teach the Bible in Sunday classes and weekday Bible studies.
Encourage family worship and discipleship.
Give generously and pray much.
Send our own and get involved in missions around the world.
Emmaus Church faith is serious faith. We're serious about faith in Christ making a difference in our lives.
We’re serious about Bible knowledge shaping our thinking.
We’re serious about family and growing the next generation of Christ-followers.
We’re serious about marriage being one man and one woman for life.
We’re serious about missions—sending, giving, and involvement.
We’re serious about giving generously to God to support His church and His work.
We’re serious about our joy and progress of faith.